Devoted To You
Through a combination of services and Connect Groups, One Love is devoted to creating every opportunity for young people to encounter God’s presence, build life-long friendships, and be discipled in their relationship with Christ.
Our passionate and dynamic community of 6th-12th graders. We believe in Jesus being our One Love above all else.
July 24th-27th. 6th-12th graders. One Love Youth Camp is our favorite event of the year! Youth camp includes crazy color team wars, individual free for all games for insane prizes, many deep sessions of worship and God's word, a guest speaker, and an outreach on the final day of camp. Camp is a life changing experience for our students every single year, and your student does not want to miss it!
Through a combination of services and Connect Groups, One Love is devoted to creating every opportunity for young people to encounter God’s presence, build life-long friendships, and be discipled in their relationship with Christ.
Coming on a sunday? Come and sit with us! One love services once a month for middle schoolers and high schoolers. these are high energy, passionate nights where you will experience.
Once a month for Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers. These are high energy, passionate nights where you will experience God and make great friends!